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Public comments on asylum from Ep. 42

Hi listeners, Lydia here.

There's a lot of material out there describing the proposed asylum changes and how to write a public comment in response. I figured it would make sense to curate a short list. If you're interested in immigration law and want to know more, just let me know!

What's happening 

Public comment writing

  1. Downloadable public comment template

  2. If you only have a moment, this isn't as effective but it's something! Click to sign

Supervision Opportunity for a professor to review your comment - Lindsey Harris at the University of the District of Columbia Law has offered to review ANYONE's public comment draft if they submit to her by Monday, 7/13 at 9am. Her email is Publication opportunity For the Federal Bar's "Green Card" newsletter, Dr. Alicia Triche is soliciting an article of about 2500 words, discussing the proposed new asylum regulations. For more information, email her at

Public comments are due by midnight on Wednesday 7/15. Submit your comment here. (Again, If you only have a moment, this one-click signature isn't as effective but it's something!)

Thank you for reading this. You do NOT have to understand everything about asylum law to comment. Whatever you contribute WILL help. Your effort means something. 

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